Excursion Activities
Wheel Throwing demonstration
Watch our skilled potters at work
A skilled potter demonstrating the art of Hand Throwing is the first stop for all activities at Bendigo Pottery. Children are encouraged to recognise and value the cultural forms and traditions that constitute artistic heritage. No charge.
Clay Play
Hand building
Discover the art of hand moulding using a variety of techniques. This activity suits all ages. Clay play kits are $5.00 each and include the clay and take home container.
Education Reference Material
"Bendigo Pottery A Selection of Wares from 1858-1990" - Ken Arnold
"Bendigo Pottery" - Paul Scholes
"Australian Pottery, the First 100 Years" - Geoff Ford
"Bendigo Pottery with Valuations" - Ken Arnold
"Bendigo Pottery" - Dennis O'Hoy
To book an activity or make an inquiry, phone us on 03 5448 4404 or email to info@bendigopottery.com.au